Kickstarting Bean Bandit

by Gristle McThornbody

The Kickstarter for Kenichi Sonoda’s Bean Bandit New Anime Project is our last, best hope for a Gunsmith Cats sequel. A self-contained anime, 5 minutes long, located in Chicago. A story about guns, girls and couriers for 1,928 otaku backers. A shining beacon in today’s ecchi-based world, all alone in Japan. It was the dawn of the fourth wave of weeaboos, the year the Great American Space War came upon us all. This is the story of the last good crowd-funded animes. The year is 2018, the place Panel Room 5.

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Lost in Adaptation

Please stop whining already
by Bolt Vanderhuge

Hollywood adaptations of anime and manga seem to have set off something of a shitstorm lately. Seeing all the complaints on how the latest Hollywood blockbuster totally isn’t like your favorite anime, I can’t help but wonder if people have lost sight of what exactly adaptations are. The fact is, there are going to have to be changes in order to adapt a work.

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Tsun in short supply as Japan braces for 2020

KYOTO (MxW) – Following weeks of speculation in the industry press, government statisticians have formally acknowledged that Japan’s Strategic Tsun Reserve has dwindled in recent months, well below seasonal averages. Now, officials are sending muted words of caution indicating that the Tsun supply may not last until the Tokyo Olympics, threatening to place a damper on Anime output at a critical time.

PM Abe at podium

PM Abe did not respond to questions related to stability in the Tsun markets.

Initial estimates of the need for additional Tsun are off by possibly two orders of magnitude. The earliest bookings data for Japanese hotels in Summer 2020 indicates a heavy load of otaku, fujoshi, and full-on weeaboos, and licence applications for pop-up shops catering to the sweet-and-sour demands of discerning clientele are through the roof.

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Unlimited Date-a Plan

In Another World with my SmartphoneSuppose – just suppose! That THE LORD himself killed you and kinda felt bad about the whole thing. By way of apology, Providence sends you to a fantasy world with magic, and makes you a superpowered hero who is completely sexually irresistible.

All of this seems to have happened to Touya Mochizuki, who, after a certain incident with what I assume was a mechanical rice picker, is thrust into a world where just having a cell phone makes you the bestest husbando. Where in the normal world he might only have been able to aspire to be the straight man in a slice-of-life anime, in this fabricated reality Touya has a preternatural ability to save damsels in distress and win their undying love in the process. Continue reading

What am I Watch?! Hangover Edition!

Don’t judge a show by its poster

by Bob Johnson

So many of the shows we picked for extended watches were letdowns, while some that barely pinged the radar proved to be among the best of the bunch. In short, this season has been a great example in how NOT to preview anime.

While some shows are plainly terrible, there’s also a subset more like Two Car, that start strong but catch the wrong train shortly thereafter. A suggestion to follow, if you’re a stickler for quality management, is to recalibrate your idea of the three episode watch to follow statistical methods and be scattered throughout the season. There is too much sample bias just catching the first three.

Fuck yeah Look it up!

Garo: Vanishing Line

Garo is much in the vein of the old-fashioned high-energy beat-em-up, and has some interesting noir elements. A perfectly cromulent anime – and the best surprise of the season. Continue reading

Autumnal Assessment 2017

A fresh season of Anime is here.  Why not blather on to some extent about how we feel about some of these things?

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Two Car Gristle: WATCH THEM ALL! The Sidehackers: the anime.
Bob: 3 Episode Watch. Three may be enough for me; I suspect it’s a one-trick sort of show.
Taishou Chicchai-san Gristle: 1 Episode Watch. “He touches his family’s sword to pleasure himself.”
Bob! What are you doing?!
Wake up, Bob!
You don’t have to watch everything from the Taisho era!
(I can’t snap him out of it)
Robomasters Gristle: 1 Episode Watch. STEM Bachelors of Science: The Anime

Fan Service

Why I Don’t Hate It
by Bolt Vanderhuge

Recently there seems to be some push back against fan service from within the fandom. I’ve been accused of that myself, from the “elitist” angle rather than the “objectifying women” angle. The thing is most people seem to forget that boobs aren’t the only form of fan service. As the name suggests, it’s really anything that’s there only for the service of the fans. Whether that’s a long flyby sequence of some space ship that earns a movie a well-deserved nickname for its slow pacing, giant robots showing off how awesome they look before, during and after they punch each other, of some nice, long hard objects continually shooting their loads, it’s all fan service, as long as it’s only really there just for its own sake.

Saga of Tanya the Evil

What’d you think I meant?

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The Expanding World of Indie Hentai


OTAKON 2017 Panel Overview

by Gristle McThornbody

This was MW’s first foray into the anime conventions in the Eastern Time Zone, and indeed the East Coast/Mid-Atlantic. Otakon 2017 allowed us to see new faces, familiar Touhou faces, and see how the east-coast otaku stack up to the rest the country. Much like otaku are connected with each other through a common interest, it is quite a similar parallel to the worldly connections that international trade allows for in our modern time.

We live in a time of great innovation and trade. Globalism allows far-flung countries to trade commodities and even services in manners we couldn’t think of even 10 years ago. Our world is connected like it has never been, allowing us access to an untold number of products. Otakon 2017 would become another channel for an overseas group to sell their wares to foreigners.

Enter the fine folks from, a website that lets users publish independent H-Games. With the same straight-ahead delivery as a Toyota investors meeting, we were sold on the latest and greatest in hentai trends. Continue reading

What am I watch?! – ACCA 13

ACCA: 13-Province Inspection Department is a romp through a fantasy kingdom composed of distinct locales that are like a photo tour of the real world.  It’s about bureaucracy and baked goods.

Blonde ’nuff for ya?

Our hero is a guy by the name of Jean Otus, who catches wind of the biggest conspiracy since Welcome to the NHK!  and cracks it like a pro, all while making gourmet sandwiches.

It’s a slow burn, but it was fun and classy all the way.